Raising Dinah

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day surprise!

The secret is officially out! Have I mentioned that it was a hard secret to keep? Whew!
We sat down to breakfast yesterday morning for Valentine’s Day with Dean’s parents, siblings, their spouses and our niece. We gave his mom and dad their valentine’s box, identical to the one we gave my mom. His Mom’s reaction was very similar to my mom’s reaction. She gasped, asked if we were serious (why do people keep asking that? Are we that cruel?) and jumped up to hug us. His dad teared up, and never stopped smiling the rest of our visit.
Once we released our mothers from their vow of secrecy (we made them wait until we had time to call grandparents and a couple close friends), it took about 20 seconds for my MIL to put it on facebook. In a matter of a couple hours, the whole family knew… and about a thousand other people.

It was a fun weekend. Lots of laughing, smiling, crying, hugging…and lots of pictures for a precious little niece’s first birthday. She is one cute kid. I hope she and our little raspberry will be great friends.

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