Raising Dinah

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pregnancy Schedule

This is what my little raspberry looks like now. Ok, so the little doll doesn’t actually look like a lemon, but they’re about the same length. This whole, I’m 13 weeks and 3 days, so I’m in the 14th week thing is still kind of weird, but here we are:
Did you know at this point, although a baby is only about 4 inches long, it is making facial expressions? Crazy stuff. My child will need an array of expressions to be able to react properly to Dean. Yes, baby…Daddy’s kind of weird.
Anyway, at the size of a lemon, this baby already thinks it’s in charge. I am no longer in charge of my own body. If it says eat, I better eat, and fast. It is trying diligently to change my sleep schedule as well. I now wake up several times during the night to go to the bathroom. When it finally slacks off, and I can really get some sleep, it’s time to get up. I would be happy to be accommodating, and sleep till 7 or 8am, but I have this thing called a job. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about unborn children, it’s that they do not listen to reason.

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