Raising Dinah

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Its hits like a ton of bricks...again

I think I’m pregnant. No, really. I think I am. Dean has known this for awhile. I still find it so surreal sometimes that I have to be reminded. He says I’m in denial. I can’t help it! It’s a hard thing to get used to. Life as we know it will cease to exist, and we’ll be thrown into an entirely new one; One in which I will be responsible for the life of another human being. I’ve been responsible for dogs before, and cats, and lambs, and a horse. This is way bigger. They’re more demanding. And, I can’t just ignore them and sleep for an extra hour before tending to its needs…or I should say HER needs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still excited, it’s just a little overwhelming, and like I said, surreal. But, it’s getting harder to deny the pregnancy. I suppose that’s expected when you’re halfway through it! If I’m not pregnant, I want to know what the heck I hate that is trying to kick its way out. I’m confident now that what I’ve been feeling is kicking. I wasn’t sure for awhile. And, if I’m not pregnant, I’m becoming a whale. I knew I was getting bigger, but I wasn’t sure if it was that noticeable to other people yet. Then, my sister-in-law asked for pictures, and when I saw them I was amazed. Looking at pictures and looking in the mirror are two totally different things. And finally, a complete stranger asked me when I was due. I think that’s when it really hit me. Oh yeah, I guess I should know something is up after the ultrasound last week. So, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m pregnant. And that means…What on earth am I going to do? How do I know what car seat is safest, what crib is sturdiest, what items I really need and which ones are not necessary? And maybe more importantly, what am I forgetting? (At this point, I’m going to ignore the whole labor and delivery thing altogether.)


Ashley said...

I am also completly ignoring the whole labor and delivery part, no need to stress about that!
Good luck!

shay said...

It still hasn't sunk in for me either. I am sure it will tomorrow when we find out the sex when s/he/it turns into a little baby (insert sex here)