Raising Dinah

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Beginning

Last Tuesday, I left work at noon with a headache and nausea. I figured it was a migraine like I sometimes get, and fully expected to go home and try to sleep it off. Well, sleep as much as I could between trips to hang over the toilet. That is the normal routine for me when I get a migraine.

I was surprised to have it turn out differently. The nausea went away before I even got out of Norman. The tricky part proved to be staying awake the remaining 20 minutes of the drive home. Once I got home, I went directly to bed and slept for 4 ½ to 5 hours. Surprisingly, I felt much better when I woke up. Weird! But, good.

Since we felt the Lord leading us to stop taking birth control in October, we knew what the possibility was. The next morning, I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. We weren’t really surprised. We figured it was a low chance, anyway.

On Saturday, I was supposed to “start.” When “Aunt Flo” didn’t show, even though the past couple months had been like clockwork, we still didn’t think much of it. Now, here’s the weird part. About the time of the headache, Misti (my SIL) dreamed I was pregnant and asked if I was. When Jay (my BIL) heard about the headache episode, he asked too. Saturday, Misti asked if I was sure, because she had dreamed it again. I told her no, because I was due to start that day and had already tested a few days prior.

On Sunday, Pastor Ed’s sermon was over family and Dean got a forwarded text message from his cousin about good things to come, like marriage, new baby, new job, etc.

When I still hadn’t started by Monday morning, Dean and I decided to test again. Just in case. POSITIVE. What? Yep, it’s true. Our lives are about to change drastically.

In speaking to the nurse at the OB/GYN office, I’ve learned that they start counting from the start of your last period. That puts my due date September 25, 2010. Another example of Gods timing, Christy W. texted me as I was writing this. She said hello, she missed me, and asked if there was anything she could pray for me. Is there ever!

Dean and I are both excited, and a little freaked out. It is such a comfort to know God is in control and that His timing is perfect. It’s a comfort to know I have such an amazing man whom I call husband and best friend, to embark on this journey with me. With my God, and my hubby, this will be just fine…even if my belly button pops out like a turkey thermometer and my feet grow a size bigger.

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