Raising Dinah

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Mover and a Shaker

I haven’t written anything in several weeks, because, well I’m lazy…and tired.

I’m wrapping up my 24th week of pregnancy. I’ve learned that saying it in weeks means nothing to most people. So, as of this weekend, I’ll be 6 months. She’s moving more and more, and we can often see the movement as well as feel it. Dean LOVES to feel her move.

This is how big she’s getting:

My ankles and feet are still swelling like crazy. I’m convinced that if I had a pool, and didn’t have to work, a number of my problems would be obsolete. That includes the swollen ankles. Well, the ankles would be much improved anyway. At least I’d stay cool, get vitamin D from the sun, and get more exercise. Not to mention, my mood is directly associated with sun and warmth.

The baby has reached the point of “viability.” This means, if she were born now, heaven forbid, she would have a chance at surviving. We don’t want to test it though. It’s too risky, she would have a much greater chance of health problems, and I’m just flat not ready.

We have several things coming up. In the next couple weeks, I have to go in for my Glucose test, which tests for gestational diabetes. This consists of fasting for at least an hour before the test. Then, they give you a big, sugary drink, which you must consume in less than 5 minutes. Here’s what the drink looks like…

Photo courtesy of: ourmiraclepeanut.blogspot.com/2009/07/1-hour-...
And, finally, sit and wait for an hour, because blood must be drawn exactly one hour after you drink it.

My next prenatal appointment is the beginning of July, and after that, my appointments will increase from every four weeks to every two weeks. I don’t mind. I try to schedule them as late in the day as possible, which is usually 3:30pm, so it means a slightly shortened work day.

We’re also signed up to start our Childbirth classes in July. They will be 2 ½ hours , one night a week for 5 weeks. It covers signs of premature labor, stages of labor, coping tools, breathing and relaxation, a birth film, medications, a labor and delivery room tour, well-baby topics (that part sounds kind of boring though…I’m pretty sure I can bathe a baby), and nutrition.

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